How to Get Grocery Coupons Mailed to You

Learn how to get free grocery coupons mailed directly to your home with this comprehensive guide. Find out which brands offer coupons and how to get them.

How to Get Grocery Coupons Mailed to You

Are you looking for ways to get free coupons in the mail? You don't have to search through newspaper inserts and emails full of coupons you'll never use. There are plenty of companies that will send you coupons just for asking. Here's a list of brands to contact and get coupons you'll actually use. If you subscribe to your local newspaper, you'll find coupon inserts in the Sunday edition.

These include the RetailMeNot Everyday and Proctor & Gamble coupon books, as well as the SmartSource coupon inserts. However, don't waste your time trying to get coupons by letting your inner psychopath out or giving smug advice to companies on how to fix their problems. It's not really saving money if you buy things you wouldn't normally buy just because you have a coupon. Companies send out these coupons in the hope that you will try their product, love it and come back and keep buying it.

You can also find printable coupons on company pages, as well as contests, giveaways, and free samples. Sometimes I use more printable coupons than paper clip coupons (it really depends on your weekly deals). Many companies, both large and small, are happy to send coupons by mail or email, print coupons at home to their fans and just about anyone who asks for it. You will need to create an account and log in to print the Alka Seltzer Plus coupon, but you don't need an account for normal Alka Seltzer.

Bigelow Tea has a genuine statement on their site as to why they can't give coupons or free samples to everyone who requests it. In addition, many food and product manufacturers offer free printable manufacturer coupons directly on their own websites. I do my best to keep this list up to date, but if you find any dead links or know of any coupon friendly companies you've left out, don't hesitate to contact me.

Alexa Covar
Alexa Covar

Infuriatingly humble zombie lover. Certified music advocate. Total social media maven. Award-winning baconaholic. General travel fanatic. General music fan.

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